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Office of Research and Assessment
The Office of Research and Assessment provides data and statistical analysis about Chandler Unified School District (CUSD) in order to support institutional decision making. The leadership of CUSD, and its governing board, have developed a detailed strategic plan in order to guide the district towards the goal of becoming the best public school district in the nation. As CUSD moves towards this goal it seeks to ensure its vision of creating a safe, disciplined and productive environment where students and adults are meaningfully engaged in learning. The Office of Research and Assessment evaluates student achievement data, student enrollment data, survey data, teacher evaluation data, principal evaluation data and a variety of other data to aide in monitoring the progress of the strategic plan in order to fulfill the vision of the district. In addition to providing evaluation data the Office of Research and Assessment provides demographic trends for boundary projections, manages every state and national standardized assessment, works with sites to educate staff on state-level accountability and oversees all external research projects.
Assessment Information
State Required Assessments
District Assessments
Dr. Jennifer Fletcher - fletcher.jennifer@cusd80.com
Executive Director of Accountability, Assessment and Research
480-812-7674Kelly Bradford - bradford.kelly@cusd80.com
Administrative Assistant for Accountability, Assessment and Research
Data Research Analysts
General Email - research@cusd80.com
Bethany Hathaway
Joshua Sheffield
Kent Woods
Alyssa Gandolph- Grant Writer/Research Analyst
Assessment Specialists
General Email - assessment@cusd80.com
Amanda Billings
Dino Katsiris
Sarah Ravel
Michael Vezzosi