- Arizona College Prep High School
- Summer School Info
2020 High School Summer School FAQs
Why do I take Summer School? Summer school is typically meant for credit recovery. However, there are times when a student would like to repeat a class for an improved grade or take a class that does not fit in their Fall or Spring Schedule.
When are Summer School Classes available? Summer School classes will be open for counselor recommendations, Monday, February 24th. If you are interested, please see your counselor for approval. Emails from students or parents are not accepted for registration purposes.
What are my options for Summer School? High School Summer Academy will be held at Chandler High School, from Monday, June 8th -Friday, June 26th . Fees are $181 per semester course. Students that miss more than 2 days will be withdrawn from the course with no refund. Final exams are given on the last day. All students must attend the last day of class, no exceptions. Classes fill up quickly. Courses will not be finalized until Mid-February:
High School Summer Academy Chandler Online Academy has two sessions. Session one is from Monday, June 1 st - Friday, June 19th and session two is from Monday, June 22nd - Friday, July 10th . Fees are $181 per semester course. Courses generally take a minimum of 4 hours per weekday. As a result, students are only allowed 2 courses per session. Your child must take the final exam in person on the assigned date (typically the last day of class). Courses will not be finalized until Mid-February: Chandler Online Summer Academy
How do I register for Summer School?
1. CUSD students first meet with their brick-and-mortar guidance counselor for academic counseling and potential recommendation for summer school classes.
2. If it is determined a summer school course is a good option or needed for the student, the counselor will initiate enrollment by adding the appropriate class/classes in Infinite Campus.
3. Once a student has been referred for summer school, the parent and student will receive an automated email from Infinite Campus with instructions to pay for the class/es through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. Your child is not registered until payment is received.How do I contact the counselors with specific questions? We need to approve each student request. As a result, student-counselor meetings are required. At this meeting, we will answer any further questions. Thank you for your patience.
Emails from students or parents are not accepted for registration purposes.