- Chandler Unified School District
- K-2 Coding Integration

Ozobots and K-2 Coding Integration
Ozobot Adventures in Chandler USD
Ozobot maps and activities developed for the K-2 Coding Integration class (2016-17) are available below. The links are downloadable files for you to use in your classroom.
Ozobots are available in your campus media center for check out.
The Ozobot Stream Classroom Kit contains
- 18 Ozobot Bits, each has a protective Ozoskin, carrying case and mini USD charging cable
- 18 Ozobot marker sets
- 18 Ozocode Sheets
- 3 charging stations
- Bowling game
- 1 Ozobot poster
- 1 storage container to hold Ozobots and acessories
- Teacher information material
For more Ozobot games and activities go to Ozobot.com
Explore more at Ozobot and Stem program.
Explore Hour of Code and Ozoblockly.
You Tube Videos:
Coding Vocabulary
Ozobot Diagram
Ozobot Maps
ELA Activites from K-2 Coding Integration class:
- Ozobot Story Map 1 [K Sheep Takes a Hike, Grade 1-Gus Takes the Train, Grade 2-Diary of a Spider]
- New Maps Added 11-16-16 Ozobot Story Map 1 No Lines- Same maps as the line above with all paths removed. Students will draw the paths. [Sheep Take a Hike, Gus Takes the Train, Diary of a Spider
- Gus Takes the Train Revised Map 2
- Ozobot Story Map 2 (Three Little Pigs, Three BIlly Goats Gruff)
- Large size Three Little Pigs Map (prints on 11 by 17" paper)
- Story If Then
- Max the Brave
Location of Stories in HMH Journeys Teacher's Editions for K-2nd Grade:
- Sheep Take a Hike- Kinder read aloud book (Unit 4 Lesson 19)
- 3 Billy Goats Gruff- Kinder read aloud book (Unit 4 Lesson 19-Companion Text)
1st Grade:
- Gus Takes the Train- 1st grade student book (Unit 1 Lesson 5)
- 3 Little Pigs- 1st grade student book (Unit 2 Lesson 6)
2nd Grade:
- Diary of a Spider- 2nd grade student book (Unit 1 Lesson 4)
- Super Storms- 2nd grade student book (Unit 2 Lesson 8)
Math Activites from K-2 Coding Integration class:
- Math Place Value Map
- Number Map Least to Greatest
- Nectar Navigator
- Math Story Problem
- OzoNaut to the Rescue
- OzoNaut to the Rescue Hard
- Place Value Map
- Place Value Knockdown (Strategy Knockdown)
- Place Value Plinko
- Math and Small Group Instruction (Place Value Knockdown, Ozobot Bowling, Fluency Builder, Nectar Navigator)
Dice Clipart - Dice used to make Fluency Builder Game Variation.
Dice on Labels - Deep Sea Duel at NCTM - Connections drawn in class to Nectar Navigator
- Grand Prix Map
Module 4
Digital Citizenship and Leadership Resources for K-2
Permission granted to use Ozobot images. Available:Ozobot.com
Updated: 4/13/17 Content for K-2 Coding Integration class was designed by Allison Davis.