Fulton Elementary School - Dedicated to ExcellenceFulton Elementary School

Dedicated to Excellence

4750 S. Sunland Drive, Chandler, AZ 85248

Phone: (480) 224-3300

Attendance: (480) 224-3303

Health Office: (480) 224-3302

Fax: (480) 224-9383

School Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Students may enter campus at 8:05 AM. (Kids Express is available for before-school care if you need to drop your child off before 8:05 AM.)
Early Dismissal time is 11:30 AM.

Our Website:



Visitors to School

Parents of enrolled pupils and parents who wish to enroll their children in the Chandler Unified School District must fill out this form to visit, tour (outside of regularly scheduled tour times) or observe a classroom. This completed form must be submitted to the school principal/designee no less than two full business days before the desired visit.

About Fulton Elementary School...

Fulton Elementary School was established in 2007, and is located in the southwest region of the Chandler Unified School District. We are committed to providing quality education in a child-centered environment where children truly love coming to school each day. We do this by developing and retaining quality teachers who possess a personal passion for educating children. We pride ourselves on providing students a rigorous personalized education, meeting the individual needs of our students.

At Fulton Elementary we have created an exceptional culture, one committed to high academic standards and a warm, caring and inviting learning environment for elementary-aged students. We treasure the strong partnerships we have developed with parents and local businesses who demonstrate a true commitment to the important work we do. We invite you to "Ignite the Passion for Excellence" and become part of the Fulton community!

-- Shannon Hannon, Principal


Brief directions: Crossroads are Chandler Heights Road and Arizona Ave.