Drop Off & Pickup / Student Line Up

  • Drop Off & Pick Up

    Students being dropped off in the front of the school will proceed to the south fire lane and walk to the playground for grades 1-6. Kindergarten students will proceed through the front gate access to the kindergarten playground. Students arriving by bus will be unloaded by duty staff and will proceed down the west side fire lane to the playground area. Kindergarten students arriving by bus will be met by a staff member and escorted to the kindergarten playground daily. Students riding their bikes may secure their bikes in the bike rack, adjacent to the front office, and then proceed toward the appropriate playground area. All students will be dismissed from the North or South ends of the building depending upon how they are getting home. Students should then proceed to the appropriate area (parent pick-up adjacent to the front office in the North Courtyard, bus loading located in the MPR, and/or the bike rack). Parents, who come onto campus, may wait for their students in the North Courtyard under the canopy or on the South basketball courts.

  • Student Line Up (AM)

    Each class has been assigned a space on the playground fields for lining up in the morning.  Each classroom will have an assigned orange cone with their teacher's name, grade level, and room number on it.  Students will line-up at the assigned cones when the 8:25am bell rings.
  • Drop Off and Pick Up Maps

    Please see below for maps for walkers and parent pick up locations.