Winner's Choice Car or Cash Raffle!
Win a new car or $20,000! Purchase your tickets online now! Funds support Frye Elementary and student scholarships.
2025-26 Open Enrollment begins November 12th!
Open Enrollment Applications for next school year, 2025-26, will be accepted starting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, starting at 7:30 a.m.
Register and Download the FREE ParentSquare app!
ParentSquare is a safe and secure platform to host all school-to-home communication in one place
Submit a safety tip
Share concerns about your classmates or school safety.
CALL: (512) 540-3773
EMAIL: tipline@lightspeedsystems.com -
Guide to Solving Problems
Guide to Solving Problems and Getting Answers Fast. The Chandler Unified School District has established procedures to effectively and efficiently respond to questions and suggestions from parents and community members.
CUSD's Portrait of a Learner Initiative
With input from more than 100 stakeholders, CUSD identified six attributes essential to student success beyond graduation that our students will build as they move and grow through our schools and district. Click to find out more.
Tax Credit Donations
Arizona law enables taxpayers a tax credit contribution of up to $200 or $400 per calendar year (depending on filing status) for contributions that fund extracurricular activities in public schools. A tax credit is a full refund, not a deduction! Click here for details.
Frye Preschool is FULL DAY and FREE!
Frye's preschool is now offered FULL DAY. Please contact the office for more information or click here to register.
Thank You!!
Thank you to the Assistance League of the East Valley for their continued support of our Frye Community!
Helpful Resources
Welcome to Frye Elementary!
Frye Elementary is located east of Arizona Avenue on Frye Road in the city of Chandler. Our school currently accommodates approximately 610 students from pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. We offer tuition-free preschool and tuition-free all-day kindergarten. Our K-6 class size averages about twenty-two students per teacher. We have many students who choose to come to Frye on Open Enrollment (they don't live within Frye's boundaries) because they are drawn to our school's high-quality teaching and learning environment.
Being a Title I school enables us to fund highly qualified educators to support those students who need more than what the core program has to offer. Frye employs two reading interventionists, a literacy coach, two ELD coordinators, a full-time counselor, and a full-time social worker. Frye Elementary offers many before and after school activities and opportunities. Before school, students may meet with tutors to receive extra help with their homework or class assignments. After school, students may participate in a variety of clubs such as Choir, Battle of the Books, Chess, Gaming, Gardening, Tutoring, and Chandler Sports League (CSL). We have an active Student Council made up of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade student leaders. They sponsor a quarterly Leadership Assembly and involve the student body in many fun activities.
Parents are welcomed to the school as volunteers, working in classrooms, library or office. The Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) works hard every year to provide teachers and students with extra resources for art education, assemblies, field trips and special family events.
Most importantly, Frye Elementary is a school community that works together for the best interests of its children. The Frye teaching staff is committed to providing each student with a strong academic program in a safe and supportive educational environment. Engage, Educate and Empower Every Student, Every Day.
Every minute counts, every student learns!
-- Alexis Cruz-Freeman, Principal
What's Happening Around Frye
Upcoming Events
12:45 PM - 1:05 PM Battle of the Books
2:40 PM - 4:00 PM Cheer Practice
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Dice Rollers Club Meeting
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Sky Zone fundraiser (Pecos and Arizona)
February 17, 2025