- Hartford Sylvia Encinas Elementary
- Student Dress Code
Hartford Sylvia Encinas Elementary School
Uniform Dress Code & Uniform Application
White, red, or navy blue are the only acceptable colors. Shirts may be short sleeved or long sleeved but MUST have a collar. No logos are allowed. Shirts must be a solid color. For cooler weather, white, red or navy blue turtlenecks or undershirts may be worn.
Lightweight sweaters or sweatshirts may be worn inside the classroom.
Boys may wear navy blue or khaki colored long pants or knee length shorts. No baggy pants or shorts are allowed. Pants must be worn at the waist. Belts are optional. Girls may wear navy blue or khaki colored long pants, Capri pants, or knee length shorts. Navy blue modest length jumpers or dresses may also be worn.
Flip-flops and sandals are not acceptable. Shoes must adhere securely at the heel and be tied properly if they were designed to do so.
Socks, leggings, or leg warmers may be worn.
Friday Dress Code:
School shirts, club shirts, and perfect attendance shirts may be worn on Fridays with uniform bottoms or jeans.The dress code will apply to all students. Any student who does not adhere to dress code, will be referred to the office.Free Dress Days:For $1, students may participate in a 'free dress' day on the first Friday of each month. District dress code must still be followed. We also offer 'free dress' days throughout the year.