
    Behavior Expectations

    Dancing gator
    Kindergarten is your child's first experience in "real" school. This is the time to nurture and support a student's growth to be a self sufficient learner and part of our school community.  The key is to use a combination of techniques and strategies including positive reinforcement, lessons in feelings and getting along and consistent consequences and rewards. Appropriate behavior is reinforced at the school and classroom level.

    CTA Goodman uses a strategy created by Dr. Marvin Marshall called Discipline without Stress. In Kindergarten we spend 4 days introducing each level of the "ladder". The "ladder" is referred to throughout the day to guide children in making good choices. Since this is a school wide program, all teachers use the same vocabulary including the principal, speech pathologist and Specials teachers. You will often hear your child speaking of their "level". Use the picture below as a quick reference guide.
    Levels of Development
    Grade Level
    All Kindergarten classes use the Second Step program to teach and reinforce social skills and getting along. The tricks and tools the children learn are easily practiced as the children are presented with real-life situations with their peers.

    In Our Class
    While incorporating Discipline without Stress and the Second Step program which teach the children strategies in being successful learners and well rounded people, we spend time at the beginning of the year going over 4 simple guidelines to follow in our classroom. These guidelines offer a reward if followed and clear consequences if disregarded.
    • I will keep my hands and feet to myself.
    • I will listen and follow directions.
    • I will use kind words.
    • I will raise my hand.
    Step 1 Warning: A Warning is given and the student and teacher discuss appropraite behavior.
    Step 2 Think Time: Should the student need another reminder, they are required to do "Think Time" and may be asked to fill out a white response sheet.
    Step 3 Orange Note: Should the students need a third reminder, you will receive an orange note
    explaining  their difficulties of the day. Please review the note with you child, sign and return the next day.
    Click here to view and print the poster we use in class.