
    6 Day Rotation Schedule


    Each week, students will be participating in P.E., Music, Computers and Library classes using a 6 Day Rotation.  Click the Specials link on the left for our schedule.
    *On P.E. days students, must wear sneakers. For their own safety, they will not be allowed to participate in P.E. without proper shoes.

    Ms. Smith's Specials Schedule
    Day 1  P.E. 12:35-1:05 (wear sneakers)
    Day 2  Music 12:35-1:05
    Day 3  Library 12:35-1:05 (bring back books)
    Day 4  P.E. 12:35-1:05 (wear sneakers)
    Day 5  Music 12:35-1:05 
    Day 6
       Computers 12:20-1:05