About Rogers...
Position: K-2 Opportunity Teacher
Room: A7
Phone: (480) 224-3337
Email: Rogers

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Welcome to our Opportunity Classroom! We provide support for students with emotional challenges in a safe learning environment.

My Education and Professional Background

I taught 4th to 6th grade Opportunity at Navarrete Elementary for 3 years before joining Fulton in 2021. Prior to working at Navarrete, I substitute taught for CUSD for 2 years and before that I taught 4th grade at an Arizona charter school for another 2 years. In addition, I also had experience teaching English, English Composition, and ESL at ASU, a community college in North Carolina, and a university in Thailand for a total of 5 years. I earned multiple degrees from ASU (Go Sun Devils!): Masters in Elementary Education, Masters in Teaching as a Second Language, and a Ph.D. in Rhetoric, Composition, and Linguistics. My endorsements include Structured English Immersion and English (Language Arts).

My Educational Philosophy

I believe students' behavior and willingness to learn develops when they feel love, compassion, and support from their teachers and peers. In this classroom, we model, support, and teach students school-appropriate social skills and coping strategies so that they can be successful in the classroom environment.

 | Email Uthairat Rogers
Last Modified on July 16, 2021