- Fulton Elementary
- School Library Information
In Chandler Unified School District, we are for all students all the time and we strive to foster learning environments that are inclusive of every person. This effort includes providing students opportunities to see themselves and others in the books they read. Students self-select books when they check materials out from our libraries. Additionally, per CUSD Board policy, the following standards are used in the selection of library books, materials, and electronic media:
Materials and media that widen the boundaries of the students’ thinking, that enrich their lives and help them fulfill their recreational and emotional needs.
Materials and media that have imaginative appeal and a style that is interesting.
Materials and media that stimulate the imagination, provide for mental growth, develop a taste for good writing, and draw attention to the beautiful and artistic.
Search the School Library Collection
Use the search box to search title, author or topic
Search results can be filtered by relevance, Call Number, A-Z Title, Z-A Title, Author, Most Recent, Published date, format, availability, format, subject, genre, reading program, Lexile, Interest Level, Reading Level, Series and language.
View Library Check Out History
Students and parents can review library check out history by logging into Destiny Discover and selecting the History button on the My Stuff section.
Students can log into Destiny Discover by logging into Clever and selecting the Destiny Discover app tile.
We are always adding books to our library based on student requests, and through Birthday Book Club. You will see a variety of notices below notifying you that we are purchasing books for the library. Thank you, Mrs. Foster
Dear Parents:
This letter/notice is to inform you that we will be purchasing new books/materials for our library on 8/1/2024. State law mandates that schools notify parents of the opening and closing public review period within seven (7) school days prior to the opening date. Therefore, this notice dated 8/10/2024 provides the opening date of the public review period for newly purchased library books/materials and the closing date as 10/9/2024. (A.R.S. 15-721/15-722)
Dear Parents:
This letter/notice is to inform you that we will be purchasing new books/materials for our library on 9/3/2024. State law mandates that schools notify parents of the opening and closing public review period within seven (7) school days prior to the opening date. Therefore, this notice dated 9/10/2024 provides the opening date of the public review period for newly purchased library books/materials and the closing date as 11/9/2024. (A.R.S. 15-721/15-722)
New books will be on display in the Recently Purchased Books Collection for a period of at least 60 days.
CUSD offers parents the opportunity to submit a Library Limitation Request to limit check out for their child.