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Fulton Elementary (2021-2022)
Congratulations to Samantha Meloun who won 4th place in Chemistry - EL, Elementary Division (5th - 6th Grade) at the 2022 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled "Stretching Slime."Fulton Elementary (2021-2022)
Congratulations to Ben Tran who won 4th place in Engineering - EL, Elementary Division (5th - 6th Grade) at the 2022 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled "What Material Can Filter Water the Best."Fulton Elementary (2021-2022)
Congratulations to Adam Graham who won 2nd place in Plant Sciences - EL, Elementary Division (5th - 6th Grade) at the 2022 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled "Vegetable Power."Fulton Elementary (2021-2022)
Congratulations to 4th grade teacher Jill Lanning, 6th grade teacher Kirstiana Person, and principal Shannon Hannon! Their grant applications were selected and funded by the Fiesta Bowl Wishes for Teacher Program! That's $2,500 each! Mrs. Hannon's proposal was for a mindfulness room for our students. Mrs. Lanning and Mrs. Person are adding Chromebooks to their classrooms. We are so excited for them and for the students to reap the benefits of these grants. Thank you, Fiesta Bowl Charities!Fulton Elementary (2021-2022)
Mikayla Posniack shared how she celebrates Hanukkah and presented her traditions to her 2nd grade class. We love to see and celebrate our differences and reflect on our similarities! Well done! As our Jewish families light the second candle on their menorah, we want to wish your and your families, Happy Hanukkah.Fulton Elementary (2021-2022)
Kartchner Caverns State Park was the destination for Fulton third graders on two days in November. Tie dye could be seen everywhere! Discovering rocks types, formations, and one of our state's natural wonders was a full day of fun and adventure. PHOTO ALBUM: Kartchner Caverns Field TripFulton Elementary (2021-2022)
Today Fulton honored and celebrated veterans -- and specifically the veterans in our students' families -- with a Veterans Day Family Picnic! It was wonderful to see our families on campus and celebrate our veterans for their service. At each of the lunch periods, Principal Hannon recognized all veterans in attendance for their service. Fulton Veterans Day Picnic Photo AlbumFulton Elementary (2020-2021)
Congratulations to teacher Brittany Shirkey who won the Apple Achievement Award, Cathryn Forney who was named the Outstanding Volunteer, and sixth grader Colten Bentz who is the Superintendent Citizenship winner from Fulton Elementary for 2021. Read their stories here!Fulton Elementary (2020-2021)
A big shout out to Christina Cruz! Christina won a $500 grant to spend on her classroom from the SRP Touchdowns for Teachers Program that partners with the Arizona Cardinals! Congratulations, Christina! SRP Touchdowns for Teachers websiteFulton Elementary (2020-2021)
Parent comment: "To Christina Cruz, Aimee Mirador and all front office staff: Mrs. Cruz always takes time out to help me even when my problem is time consuming. She never makes me feel like I'm a bother, and goes above and beyond to help my child who can require extra attention and work. She's kind and encouraging. Aimee and the front office staff are always helpful, from my first interaction with them and in every other one I've had. They go above and beyond to make sure needs are met and I can tell that they are smiling through the phone by the way their voice sounds. I love this school, and it's mainly due to these people!"Fulton Elementary (2019-2020)
On February 29, Cayden Thompson, Grant Dietrich, Gavin Oplinger and Ryan Brown of the Fulton's Phantom Phoenix VEX Robotics Club came in first in Teamwork at the Arizona State VEX IQ Elementary Robotics Competition. This win qualified them to compete in the 2019-2020 VEX Robotics World Championship in Louisville, Kentucky! They are currently in the top 3% of all VEX IQ Elementary School teams in the World! Fultons Phantom Phoenix VEX Robotics Club Competition Photo AlbumFulton Elementary (2019-2020)
Congratulations to Luke Henderson and Connor Hughes who won 3rd Place in Physics & Astronomy, Elementary Division (5th - 6th Grade) at the 2020 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled Magnetic Car. HISEF 2020 Award WinnersFulton Elementary (2019-2020)
Youth Frontiers facilitated a Kindness Retreat for our 4th graders! The students absolutely loved this experience. We are so grateful to the Hamilton High School students who served at group leads and made this an experience our students will take to heart! Kindness Retreat Photo AlbumFulton Elementary (2019-2020)
Superintendent's Student Citizenship Award winner: William McMorran is the very definition of a leader. He works hard, treats all of his teachers and peers with respect, is always ready to help when asked, works well with everyone, and knows what it takes to get the job done. William is not just a great role model to his peers, but he is also a loyal and amazing friend to many. His friends know that he will always be there if they need him, and that he is someone they can trust.Fulton Elementary (2019-2020)
We did it! We made it to the 100th day of school! Fulton first grade and kindergarten classes made the most of the day! Kinders wore shirts decorated with 100 things, and our first graders dressed up like centenarians. Mariah Laszlo's class did an art project titled, "I used to be 100, but now I am...!" 100th Day of School Photo AlbumFulton Elementary (2019-2020)
Congratulations to Stavros Tsangaris, Trower Parker and Jason Luo of Fulton's Phantom Phoenix VEX Robotics Club who triumphed at the robotics tournament at the Maricopa Institute of Technology on January 11. They emerged as the Teamwork Champions! Their success has qualified them to compete at the 2020 Arizona VEX IQ Elementary School State Championship in February. VEX Robotics Club Photo AlbumFulton Elementary (2019-2020)
Fulton Elementary students showered bus driver "Mr. Dan" with gifts prior to break.Fulton Elementary (2019-2020)
Fulton Vex Robotics is kicking off the season with a bang. In the first tournament of the season, judges called for a tiebreaker for "Teamwork Champions" and team 4750C was in it. The stress was off the charts but they handled it with grace. They came in second but only missed it by two points. Team G came in third while team A took fourth place in the tournament. Additionally, team B won the Judges Award. That is a first for Fulton.Fulton Elementary (2019-2020)
Under the direction of technology teacher Melissa Lundquist, the new Fulton Elementary Innovation STEAM Lab is creating a fun, hands-on class that engages children in science, technology, engineering, art, and math activities. Students will learn to question, explore, experiment, reason, and apply abstract concepts to real world challenges while still participating in district technology curriculum. Technology will still be a prominent tool as we build through the inquiry process and continue to build upon previous year�s technology lessons onestep further than before.Fulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Congratulations to Devin Flynn from Crystal Hughes' 4th grade class who was one among nineteen winners out of over 700 entries in the City of Chandler Environmental Art Contest. Devin's work will be displayed in the City of Chandler calendar next year. The contest is designed to illustrate the importance of reducing waste, conserving water and preventing pollution. It is also an opportunity for students to learn more about environmental stewardship in their community and can become a catalyst for environmental education in the classroom. City of Chandler: Environmental Art Contest websiteFulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Fulton students won awards in the Elementary School Division of the VEX IQ Challenge at the Worlds Robotics competition in Kentucky. They were one of only two Arizona teams to place out of 409 teams who participated. Team 4750C (Hannah Rahamim, Michael Stahl and Cayden Thompson) also won the Inspire Award. The Inspire Award is presented to a team only at Worlds that has inspired judges with their approach to the VEX IQ program.Fulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Congratulations to 6th Grade award winners Tyler Mesias, Maci Maruca and Hannah Rahamim who won 3rd Place in Earth & Planetary Science at the 2019 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled This Experiment Will Blow You Away!. HISEF 2019 Award WinnersFulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Congratulations to 6th Grade award winners Lexi Factor, Addison Sroufe and Chloe Chapman who won 3rd Place in Engineering at the 2019 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled Icy Flask. HISEF 2019 Award WinnersFulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Congratulations to Fulton Robotics students Michael Stahl, Hannah Rahamim, and Cayden Thompson, coached by Lori Ruff, who competed in the Arizona State VEX IQ Championship Elementary Division where they placed second to qualify to compete in the VEX World Championship Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky.Fulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Fulton second graders celebrated their conclusion of studying the three Asian countries India, Japan, and China by having an Asian-themed dinner and movie (Mulan). Students decorated dragons and made Chinese lanterns. During their studies, they learned about the history and inventions of the Asian countries.Fulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Fulton Elementary competitive robotics teams rocked it at a recent tournament. A total of 31 teams competed in the tournament. Team 4750A placed second in Teamwork and brought home the Sportsmanship trophy. Team 4750B placed fifth in Teamwork. Team 4750C placed seventh in Skills, and Team 4750D placed sixteenth in both Teamwork and Skills.Fulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Congratulations to Fulton Elementary 6th grade teacher Sarah McGinnis who recently earned her National Board recertification, the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education. The process was rigorous, but worthwhile. National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. Created by teachers, for teachers, the National Board Standards represent a consensus among educators about what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards websiteFulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Congratulations to Fulton teacher Sarah McGinnis who was surprised Thursday, November 25 with a 2018 Fiesta Bowl Wishes for Teachers grant. Sarah's wish is to purchase tablets for use in her class.Fulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Fulton Elementary School received the Lifesaver Award from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for supporting 10 families through our fundraising efforts. Fulton also received a Top Fundraising School Award, taking 4th place out of 568 other schools in the state! Way to go, Fulton students and families! Our efforts make a difference!Fulton Elementary (2018-2019)
Fulton Elementary staff, students and families honored Patriots Day and September 11th, gathering around the flagpole to remember and lifting our voices to show our patriotism and gratitude.
Facebook video: Honoring Patriots Day and September 11th at Fulton ElementaryFulton Elementary (2017-2018)
Congratulations to 6th Grade award winners Kate Burson, Lindsey Tainsky and Ella Deisinger who won Honorable Mention in Environmental Sciences at the 2018 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled Purifying Salt Water. HISEF 2018 Award WinnersFulton Elementary (2017-2018)
Congratulations to 5th Grade award winners Robert Connell, Tre Lessig and Walker Meade who won Honorable Mention in Chemistry at the 2018 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled The Wonderful World of Ice Cream. HISEF 2018 Award WinnersFulton Elementary (2017-2018)
Congratulations to 6th Grade award winners Sophia Mallette, Taylor Tainsky and Valerie Miller who won 1st Place in Environmental Sciences at the 2018 Hamilton Invitational Science and Engineering Fair (HISEF) for the project titled A Sip of the Ocean. HISEF 2018 Award WinnersFulton Elementary (2017-2018)
Fulton celebrated science, technology, engineering, and math with hands-on exhibits and volunteers who shared expertise: the Desert Rivers Audubon Society, bones and fossils, Nerding.org technology, robotics demonstrations, microscopic wonders, rocks and minerals from the Mineralogical Society of Arizona, telescope viewing from the East Valley Astronomy Club, and STEM experiments. Fifth and sixth grade students were chosen to represent Fulton at HISEF with their winning science fair projects.Fulton Elementary (2017-2018)
Congratulations to Fulton teacher Jacqueline Van Epps, one of nine CUSD teachers who recently earned their National Board Certification (NBC). The process was rigorous but worthwhile for these teachers. National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards websiteFulton Elementary (2017-2018)
Fulton 4th through 6th grade students who made the Principal's List were honored with lunch on the stage with Dr. Kramb. We are so proud of the hard work and dedication it takes to maintain excellence.Fulton Elementary (2017-2018)
In honor of their unit of study regarding Greek and Roman gods, our 6th grade students participated in their own Olympics. The events included the long jump, wheelbarrow races, javelin and shot put competitions. The students enjoyed wrapping up their studies and essays with this fun phyical connection to World History.Fulton Elementary (2017-2018)
Fulton 3rd grade Torchbearers have begun their annual trek to Kartchner Caverns! This is the 11th year that students have explored this amazing natural wonder. The best part is that it ties in so well with Science standards, which include learning about rocks and minerals. Students and parents love this experience.Fulton Elementary (2017-2018)
The Fulton Elementary Vex Robotic Club (Team 4750A) won the Excellence Award, the highest award presented at the October 28th tournament. Team 4750B brought home the Design Award. Only three awards in total were presented at this tournament, and Fulton students brought home two of them!Fulton Elementary (2017-2018)
Fulton famillies, staff and students celebrated Halloween with our annual Monster Mash. This is Fulton's largest community/school event with over 1,200 people in attendance. Students dance, visit the fun house, run around and have fun...while parents socialize all in the safe space of the school playground.Fulton Elementary (2015-2016)
Community Club service projects: Made "welcome bags" for new students registering to Fulton Elementary. Delivered art to the nearby police station. Raised over $400 for children fighting cancer.Fulton Elementary (2015-2016)
Reflex Math: New "video game" style software program for students to gain fluency in Math Facts. Students can access the game from home or school.Fulton Elementary (2015-2016)
Hats for the House: Fulton students raised $596.21 by paying $1.00 to wear a hat to school in support of the Ronald McDonald House.Fulton Elementary (2015-2016)
Fulton Elementary's Pennies for Patients raised over $6,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation.Fulton Elementary (2015-2016)
Fulton's Science Mobile Labs: Lab materials have been purchased, organized, bundled and delivered to teachers' classrooms to increase hands-on STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) opportunities for students.Fulton Elementary (2015-2016)
Improving Chandler Area Neighborhoods (ICAN): Fulton families donated hundreds of new gifts and household items to ICAN to support families in need.Fulton Elementary (2014-2015)
The Arizona Department of Education announced that Fulton Elementary earned an 'A' grade for the 2013-2014 school-year. Furthermore, Fulton Elementary was ranked in the top 100 schools Arizona (out of 1,741 schools ranked). Arizona Department of Education