• Kindergarten Homework

    The CUSD policy for Kindergarten homework is 10 minutes per night. Each month I will send home a reading log. Please read with your child each night and write down the book titles on the reading log. Return the reading log at the end of the month and your child will receive a pass to go to Mrs. Weyenberg's office and pick out a pencil.

    Reading with your child daily is extremely important and will help to cultivate a love for reading and books. Take time to ask questions; What do you think will happen next? Do you know what that word means? Which character is your favorite? You can have him/her retell the story or make up a new one with the same characters. Older siblings, relatives and friends may also enjoy reading aloud with your child. When your child is ready, encourage him/her to read aloud to you and the rest of the family. 

    In the second semester I will also send home a monthly homework calendar. On the homework calendar you will find daily activities that are based on our academic standards. These activities are designed to be adjusted to meet your child's specific academic needs. Be creative and feel free to modify/adjust the activities in order to challenge your child. Just initial the calendar each night and return it at the end of the month.

    Please remember that the monthly reading log and homework calendar are required homework. I will keep track as your child completes the assignments so be sure to turn them in each month.

    Kid's College - Bonus Homework