- Conley Elementary
- Overview
September 8, 2020
Dear CUSD Families,
As part of our efforts to maintain a safe, secure online experience for students, Chandler Unified School District uses a technology tool known as Gaggle in grades K-12. This scanning program reviews student Google files for inappropriate images and /or content identified by keywords. Gaggle will flag content referencing intentions of violence, drug and alcohol use, sex, self-harm, hate speech, pornography, etc. It will also analyze images to block pornography and obscene visuals from reaching students.
Gaggle representative review google files throughout the day and night and send alerts to administrators at the school and the district office. School administrators will contact parents/guardians when an alert is received. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, administrators will contact local law enforcement to request a well-check on students of alerts regarding threats of self-harm.
All school rules apply to the content on a student’s Google Drive. Students are encouraged to practice responsible digital citizenship.
Gaggle Speak Up is another tool CUSD will be using. This tool is an anonymous tip line for students to share concerns about school safety and the well-being of fellow students. Trained professionals evaluate content and send an email regarding non-life-threatening items to school administrators. They will also call school officials in emergency situations and can even contact local law enforcement.
Students may report:
- Bullying - Planned fights
- Students in crisis - Threats of violence
- Weapons brought to school - Other urgent situations
Phone: 480-573-8808 email: speakup@gse.cusd80.com
We look forward to continuing to collaborate with families to support and meet our students’ needs and to protect them while in our care.