• Welcome to Conley's Media Center


    Conley's Media Center is open daily from

    8:30 am to 3:00 pm. 

    Here in the library you will find Mrs. Oetjen, Conley's media specialist, and Mrs. Romero, Conley's library clerk. We think the library is best place on campus.  Why do we think that?  Well quite simply, we love books, and we love to read them.  It gives us great pleasure to service all kids here at the school and help them grow as readers.  Please feel free to visit us at any time. 

    • Kindergarten - 3rd grades may check out one book at a time.
    • 4th - 6th grades may have up to two books checked out at a time.
    Students will not be allowed to check out additional books if there are books overdue on their account. Please see the library schedule so you know what day your child visits us in the library.

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