- Chandler Unified School District
- Overview
Families in Transition Program (Homeless)
Welcome to Chandler Unified School District's Families In Transition webpage. The District employs a liaison to assist families with questions and concerns about services we provide. For questions regarding available F.I.T. services, please contact Valerie Gyory at (480) 224-3751, gyory.valerie@cusd80.com
The McKinney-Vento Act was established to assist homeless children and youth with enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under this legislation, homeless youth are guaranteed the same educational services that all students are provided in order to meet challenging academic standards. The Act also ensures that homeless youth be educated in their neighborhood school or in the attendance area where the family or youth is currently residing.Definition of HomelessnessThe McKinney-Vento Act defines "homeless children and youth" as children who lack a regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The term "homeless" includes children and youth who are:-
Sharing a house with another family due to loss of housing, or loss of income (financial hardship);
Not sleeping at a consistent location;
Awaiting foster care placement;
Living in motels, trailer parks/campgrounds, emergency or transitional shelters, cars, parks, abandoned buildings, bus/train stations, or similar environments; or
A youth on your own.
Contact Us:
Dr. Korry BrennerDirector of Federal Programs & State Initiatives(480) 224-3741FIT Academic Coach(480) 224-3751Melissa Rubio VarelaFamily Engagement Specialist(480) 224-3748(Hablo español)