What is Art Masterpiece?
Art Masterpiece is an enrichment program where volunteers use reproductions of fine works of art to promote art literacy in children. Art is an integral part of life and the Art Masterpiece Program is a chance to stimulate the students' thought, perception, and imagination. In the end, students attain a greater awareness of the world around them. This program runs solely on parent volunteers.
How to get involved?
If you enjoy being in the classroom engaging hands-on with students, sign-up to be a classroom Art Masterpiece Volunteer! *No Art background required *No teaching experience needed *Love for KIDS and having FUN are all you need!*.There are three types of parent volunteers:
Liaison: Coordinate schedule and communication with teacher and other parent volunteers
Presenter: Present the assigned lesson with prepared Google Slides
Assistant: Help during the lesson but not present
If you didn’t sign-up on Meet-the-Teacher Night, and would like to volunteer, please contact Julie Sallquist, CTA Independence Volunteer Art Masterpiece Coordinator, at artmasterpiecehawks@gmail.com with your name, phone number, teacher's name, and what volunteer position you would be interested in (liaison, presenter, assistant).
What is the volunteer commitment?
There are six 1-hour lessons (Sept, Nov, Jan, Feb, April, and May) to be scheduled on dates and times that work well for you and your child’s teacher. All lessons and materials are provided. There is a volunteer orientation training at the beginning of the school year to discuss the program and expectations of volunteers.

- Email the other parent volunteers in your class to:
(a) discuss days and times that work well for everyone.
(b) decide on who will teach the lessons (e.g., taking turns or sharing).
- Email the teacher as soon as possible to set up dates and times of lessons. Some teachers prefer to set up the whole year at one time and others prefer to set up each month separately.
- Reserve your classroom materials bin. Please use the sign-up link on this page for your grade level. It is important to sign-up using Sign-up Genius calendar so that we do not have more than one lesson occurring at the same time for each grade level (each grade level bin contains materials for one class at a time).

- Before the date of your lesson: Briefly review the designated lesson. All lessons have a set of established Google Slides to present. See separate handout on how to access the lessons. Remember: Due to copyright, in order to view the lesson guides, you must first register (contact your Art Masterpiece Coordinator for the link) using a Gmail account or using hawksartvolunteer@gmail.com.
- Day of the lesson: Please arrive 10-15 minutes early. Sign-in at the front office and get the key from the front office to Storage Closet #78. Go to Storage Closet #78 to get the classroom bin. Go through the bin to ensure all necessary materials are in there. Please return the key before you teach your lesson in case someone else needs access to the room.
- After your lesson: Sign the monthly log in the binder. Clean any supplies that need it (you may use the sink in the classroom or workroom) and return the bin to Storage Closet #78.
- Optional: You may find it helpful to have extra parent help. Feel free to create your own sign-up genius for your class to invite a few parents (4 extra volunteers) to help with the lessons. Obtain email addresses from your teacher.

1. On the day of the lesson, please arrive 10-15 minutes early. Sign-in at the front office and meet up with the presenter and other volunteers on your team either in the supply closet (Storage Closet #78) or in the classroom.
2. Ask the presenter how you can help during the lesson. Typical responsibilities include distributing supplies to students, answering students’ questions during the lesson, and cleaning up supplies.