Secondary Education
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- Chandler Unified School District
- Attendance Policy
Attendance PolicyAdministration, faculty and staff encourage students to be at school on time everyday. Student attendance closely matches student academic achievement. Students who are absent from school miss the introduction of new material, interactions with peers in discussions, activities and presentations. The attendance policy is intended to involve parents, to teach students responsibility and to provide for optimum instruction and academic accountability. Administration may require medical documentation for excessive or habitual absences. To view the district policy on attendance, please click here.Excused Absences
A parent or legal guardian is asked to call the attendance office within 24 hours of the absence to officially excuse students from school or particular periods of classes during the day.
When a parent brings or picks up a student, he/she must be signed in/out at the attendance office. No student will be permitted to leave campus without a pass from attendance.
Students are responsible for making arrangements with their teachers to complete make-up work for excused absences within a limited time frame.
Excused absences include, but are not limited to: individual illness or health conditions, serious illness in the immediate family (documentation required), religious holidays, death in the immediate family, school sanctioned activities, and medical and dental appointments (documentation required).
Unexcused Absences-
Unexcused absences are considered truancies.
If a student misses only one period, the unexcused absence will be considered as ditching class, and the student will be referred to administration.
While parents may be aware of these circumstances, the absence will remain unexcused for attendance purposes.
Work cannot be made-up for credit, and a parent/guardian phone call will not be justification as an excused absence.
Consequences for Absences:
The following actions will be taken after 7 absences per semester, or after 10 consectuive absences:7 Absences-
After 7 class period absences (excluding documented illness) per semester, the student may be placed on an attendance contract, dropped from the class to an alternative program, or dropped from the class with an “F”.
10 Consecutive Absences-
After 10 consecutive unexcused days of absences per semester, the state requires schools to automatically withdraw the student.
Extra-Curricular Participation Policy:
- Students who are absent from school are not allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities held on that day without administrative permission.
Sign Out Policy:-
Students are not permitted to leave school without permission.
Phone calls or written requests for early dismissal of a student are not permissible.
A parent/guardian must go to the school's attendance office and sign the student out of school before he or she will be allowed to leave campus.
Anyone other than the parent/guardian on campus to pick up a student, must be listed on the emergency card.
Parent/guardian must show picture ID in order to pick up a student.
Tardy Policy:-
Students are expected to be seated in their classrooms ready to begin class work prior to the late bell.
A one-minute warning bell signals the students to get to class quickly.
A tardy is defined as “not being in an assigned seat when the late bell rings."
Parents may call to excuse a tardy student; parent is asked to physically sign in student arriving late if parent is dropping student off.
For any further tardies, parents must sign in their student at the attendance desk to excuse the tardy.
*Please note: Additional disciplinary measures may be taken against students who are habitually tardy or absent.
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