• What is My Role as a Parent?

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    The idea of studying around the kitchen table is as important today as ever. Families play a critical role in educating their children. Being involved in your child’s learning shows them that you care.


    Positive Learning Environment

    Facilitate the selection of an excellent study location for your student.

    o Well lit

    o Free of distractions

    o Comfortable for the activity, i.e. reading, writing, etc.

    Organization and Scheduling

    Support your student with organizational strategies that will aid them in accomplishing tasks.

    o Assist in creating long range project schedules with daily and weekly check-ins

    o Facilitate regular daily subject check-ins

    o Encourage and monitor the use of a planner

    o Help set and adjust long and short term academic goals

    Supplies and resources

    Consider what will be essential for the completion of the task and have the needed elements at hand.

    o A computer

    o Paper, pens, pencils

    o Flash drives


    Show an interest in our student’s work. It is vital. Doing your student’s work is detrimental.


    o Ask specific questions

    o Be nearby – model reading, writing, studying

    o Display a positive attitude about homework

    o Encourage and support

    o Be honest

    Do Not

    o Do your student’s work

    § Sends the message that you don’t believe they are capable

    § Puts your student at a disadvantage as they may not have learned the material

    o Impose your help

    o Attempt to employ your way of doing things

    Praise, Praise, Praise

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