CUSD Indigenous Education Program

  • Program Information

    The Indigenous Education Program is a federally funded program to supplement academic educational support and family cultural engagement.

    • Johnson O’Malley Funds (JOM) is a federal program whose main objective is to ensure that Indian children receive educational opportunities that would not otherwise be provided through public school system. JOM is a supplemental program providing services to Indian students based on the needs of individual communities.
    • Indian ED 506 Title VI Grant Program is federal funding to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of Indian students to meet the challenging state of academic standards, to ensure that Indian students gain knowledge and understanding of Native communities, languages, Tribal histories, traditions and cultures, to ensure teachers, principals, school staff, and leaders who serve Indian students to have the ability to provide culturally appropriate and effective instruction to support such students.

       Title VI IPC Officer Elected 2024-2025

    1. Co-Presidents: Monique John  and Rikki Archibeque 
    2. Vice President: Tiffany Staten-Cruz  
    3. Secretary:  Francine White-Baker 
    4. Treasurer: Chaunasea Williams

    5. Student Representative:  McKell Van Arsdale

       JOM IPC Officer Elected 2024-2025

    1. Co-Chairperson: Monique John and Rikki Archibeque
    2. Vice Chair: Tiffany Staten-Cruz
    3. Secretary:  Francine White-Baker
    4. Treasurer: Chaunasea Williams

    Program Benefits

    • Connection with fellow Indigenous students
    • Engagement in cultural experiences
    • Frequent updates about CUSD Indigenous Program opportunities
    • Native American Club participation at CUSD high school sites
    • Invitations to special events
    • Recognition upon senior graduation
    • Loaning program for laptops, scientific calculator/graphing calculators
    • Support with K-12 backpack and school supplies
    • Support with eligible K-12 class fees – funding permitted
    • Advisor support at CUSD high school sites
    • Quarterly CUSD Indigenous Parent Committee (IPC) Meetings

    Program Requirements for Eligible Services

    Under this Program, parent or legal guardians will need to complete the ED 506 Title VI form and the Johnson O’Malley (JOM) form for your student to be included in the count for funding. All students must be enrolled within CUSD schools and meet student eligibility requirements for American Indian/Alaskan Native.

    In addition, one of the following is required:  a copy of your students' Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) or a parent CIB, copy of Tribal Enrollment ID, or a letter from the Tribe/Nation letter stating enrollment or descendancy.

    Please complete:

    • One (1) JOM form per family – please list ALL enrolled students on form
    • One (1) ED 506 Title VI form PER student enrolled

    Helpful Links:



    Hello and welcome to our Indigenous Education Program website.  My name is Antonette Shirley and I am the Indigenous Student Engagement Specialist. We are happy that you are part of our CUSD family. I look forward to collaborating with you so that your students can be successful. If you have any questions, please contact me.


    Thank you!


    Antonette Shirley, MEd.

    Indigenous Student Engagement Specialist

    Chandler Unified School District


    Visit Us!

    Click on the address to get directions. We are located at:

    Melinda Romero Instructional Resource Center

    500 W Galveston St

    Chandler, AZ 85225

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    The Indigenous Education Program is on Instagram @cusdindigenousep - follow us on Social Media. If you would like to promote opportunities, feature one of your students' accomplishments, or highlight any relevant info to Indigenous Ed. on any of our social media or newsletters, contact Antonette Shirley at or 480-224-3739. We share and repost other ideas and opportunities that come up daily, so be sure to check it out!

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