Elementary (1st & 3-6)
    Talent + Opportunity = Promise (TOP) Program
    The TOP program is designed to provide advanced academics, leadership skills, and creative problem solving for students who show early potential. Students were selected for this honors preparatory program based on multiple measures including: recent Cognitive Abilities Testing, Teacher Rating Scales, and Unbiased Observer Reports.

    Junior High School (7-8)
    Honors Classes
    Each junior high school offers Honors Language Arts and Honors Mathematics courses. Students qualify for placement in an Honors course by meeting district requirements including a combination of: previous success in the subject area and above average performance on state achievement tests.

    High School (9-12)
    The International Baccalaureate Program
    Chandler High School offers the IB Middle Years program for 9th and 10th grade students as well as the Diploma Program for 11th and 12th grade students. IB has a rigorous content curriculum, along with: Theory of Knowledge, an Extended Essay, and community action and service.

    High School Honors Classes & Advanced Placement™
    Honors and Advanced Placement™ (AP) classes are provided at each high school. Some dual enrollment college-level classes may also be an Honors option. A full menu of AP™ courses is available at each of the district’s high schools. A complete listing of AP™ courses at each school is listed in the course catalog. Honors and AP™ courses provide enriching, rigorous curriculum that engages high ability and high achieving students. Honors students must have the potential to accelerate through content standards and commit to in-depth study. Curriculum in Honors and AP courses is accelerated and complex.
    Each Chandler high school offers information and counseling for gifted students and their parents about course offerings, extra curricular activities and opportunities for advancement.
    Students self-select for advanced high school courses. Any CUSD high school student with the pre-requisites for the course, may enroll in an honors or Advanced Placement™ course.