Willis STEAM Academy for Gifted and Talented

    STEAM logo
    We are full for the 2025-2026 school year.  If you are still interested in our program, please contact the school. 

    Willis STEAM Academy is the premier choice for a gifted education, highlighting the complexities of the needs of gifted and talented learners.  From our inception in 2002, as the first junior high gifted program in Chandler, we have the legacy and reputation of a highly successful program where students have phenomenal junior high experience! We are dedicated to fostering the holistic development of our exceptional students through a dynamic curriculum rooted in critical thinking and extensive research projects. Our mission is to cultivate research and writing skills, analytical prowess, presentation finesse, executive function mastery, organizational acumen, and learning skills proficiency. Through a gifted pedagogy approach, we provide challenging materials tailored to gifted learners, empowering them to make intricate connections across various ideas and content domains. We have FUN! We are committed

    Willis STEAM

     to nurturing the intellectual curiosity and academic excellence of our gifted learners, preparing them to thrive in a complex and ever-evolving world. Our students are successful no matter where they go or what they pursue!  
    1. Critical Thinking and Research:

      • Empowering students to question, analyze, and synthesize information.
      • Encouraging extensive research projects to develop advanced inquiry skills.
      • Cultivating a culture of intellectual curiosity and exploration.
    2. College Skills Development:

      • Creating opportunities for academic skill development.
      • Enhancing executive function and organizational competencies.
      • Instilling resilience, adaptability, and leadership qualities.
    3. Connected Learning and Innovation:

      • Inspiring students to make interdisciplinary connections.
      • Encouraging creativity, problem-solving, and innovation.
      • Preparing students to excel in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

    We invite you to visit our Facebook page at Willis STEAM Academy Facebook to see more about our program.  


    For consideration at the Willis STEAM Academy, students must meet the criteria of the Cognitive Abilities Test, IQ test or another approved assessment to qualify for our program.  

    Have record of CoGAT score or arrange to take the test - CUSD Gifted Testing Site

      • Willis Gifted 
        • offered to all students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a verbal, quantitative, and/or nonverbal battery, or a composite score at or above the 95th percentile of a test included on the Arizona State-Approved Gifted Test List.
      • Willis TALENTED -
        • Students must be IN boundary of Willis and express interest. 
        • Students have a 87% percentile or higher on a verbal, quantitative, or nonverbal battery.  
        • Approval by District Gifted Specialist 

    Welcome to the Willis STEAM Academy -

    Willis STEAM performs at a high level on standardized tests! 


    CUSD National Merit Semifinalists 2024-2025

    Chandler High- Emmy A., Jimmy M. and Emma W. 

    CHS National Merit


    CUSD National Merit Semifinalists 2023-2024

    Former Willis STEAM Academy students - Allen Brown (CHS) and Andrew Phillips (CHS)