McPhail, Howard
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- Payne Junior High
- About Payne JHS Choirs
Thank you to all the wonderful singers who auditioned for Show choir and Advanced Choir next year. It was great to see you all working hard and getting to know each other. I hope you made some new friends and enjoyed dancing and making music together.
You should all currently be enrolled in Beginning Choir for next year (Harmonies) here at Payne. After the results are posted in March, the Payne counselors will be able to place you in the choir you will be in for the year.Check back in March for the audition results.
Join Choir
If you were not able to attend, please contact me (
Auditions will be in the choir room at Payne JHS - C10. Please check in at the front office and a student will direct you to the choir room. Parents will need to wait in the office during auditions.
Audition results for all choirs will be posted on the Payne JHS choir website in March.
Showstoppers (Intermediate choir CHR 710)
Monday Feb 3 - Feb 6, 4pm - 5:15pm.
To add your name to the list, please email Mr. McPhail at In the email include:
- Your first and last name
- Your current elementary school or that you are a 7th grader at Payne JHS
- Your past choir/vocal/singing experience
Showstopper auditions will be ALL FOUR DAYS and students must attend each day.
- Monday and Tuesday we will all learn the Star Spangled Banner and a short dance section.
- On Wednesday and Thursday the auditions will be completed.
- The dance section will be held using small groups.
- The vocal auditions will be individual (just one person at a time, but not in front of the other students).
- Please wear comfortable clothes and closed -toe shoes.
- All students must be able to be picked up by parents/adults by 5:15pm.
Payne Bellas (Advanced Choir CHR 720)
Wednesday Feb 5 and Thursday Feb 6 from 3:30 - 5:30 pm.
To schedule an audition, please email Mr. McPhail at In the email include:
- Your first and last name
- Your current elementary school or that you are a 7th grader at Payne JHS
- Your past choir/vocal/singing experience
- Date and approximate time you would like to audition( for example: feb 8 between 4 and 5 pm): I will email you back with your assigned audition date/time. The auditions will take approximately 10 minutes.
During the audition you will:
- Sing a major scale (do re mi...etc)
- Sing the star spangled banner
- Sing a short music section using solfege or a musical sound (la la la, doo doo doo, etc)
Welcome to the Payne JHS Choir program! There are three choirs offered at Payne:
Harmonies (Beginning Choir) – this class rehearses in two sections and there are no auditions to join.
Showstoppers (Intermediate/Show Choir) – this class rehearses in one section and auditions are required to join.
Payne Bellas (Advanced Choir) – there is only one section of this class and auditions are required to join.
HARMONIES (Beginning Choir CHR700) No Audition Required
Harmonies consists of 7th & 8th grade students. Harmonies perform unison and two-part music in a variety of styles: traditional choral music, Spirituals, folk songs, African songs, Broadway, & pop culture.
SHOWSTOPPERS (Show Choir/Intermediate Choir CHR710) Audition Required
Participation in this class is by audition only. Showstoppers consists of 7th & 8th grade students who show singing and dancing skills, and a high level of commitment to the choir program. Showstoppers perform two-part music and sing and dance to Broadway, movie music & pop culture songs.
PAYNE BELLAS (Advanced Choir CHR720) Audition Required
Participation in this class is by audition only. Payne Bellas consists of 7th & 8th grade students who show advanced vocal skills, an ability to read music, and a high level of commitment to the choir program. Payne Bellas perform two- and three-part music in a variety of styles: traditional choral music (including foreign languages), Spirituals, folk songs, African songs, Broadway, & pop culture.