7th Flag Football

  • Welcome to 7th Flag Football (co-ed)

    Season January 8 - March 5, 2025

    Register your Athlete online using this Aktivate link.  Your student must be cleared before tryouts begin!

    Coaches: Head Coach Michael Alexander Email: Seattlesbest12@gmail.com and Assistant Kyle Hartwig
    Tryouts Schedule
    January 8, 9 and 10, 2025 4:05p - 5:30p (tryouts are a minimum of 3 days and no longer than 5)
    *Please wear a T-Shirt that can be written on with a permanent marker.
    *Make sure that your T-Shirt does not display a club affiliation.
    *Plastic cleats are allowed, but metal cleats are NOT allowed.
    *Bring a bottle of water.
    **Tryouts are closed to everyone except those participating** 
    Practice Information:
    Practices will be after school from 4:15p to 5:30pm Monday through Thursday except on game days.
    *Please be prompt in picking up your student athlete from practice and after games.
    *Water will be provided.  Students should bring a wide-mouthed water bottle.
    *The EVC Game schedule is posted on the main Payne Calendar page
    *Parents, please be on time picking up your student athletes from practices and games.  
    Pictures/Parent Information
    *Team Picture Day is planned for January 15, 2025, and a parents' meeting will follow in the GYM at 5:15p with our Athletic Director and Coaches!  
    *There will be a $25 team fee for all rostered athletes  
     Helmet Information
    Soft-shell helmets are required for participation. Payne Athletics will provide your student-athlete with a helmet; however, if you would like to purchase your own, please click on the links below.
    Game Information
    Student-athletes will be transported by bus to all away games by CUSD; however, student-athletes will NOT be transported back to Payne JH after the games. All student-athletes need to be picked up by parents/guardians or anyone else with an approved transportation waiver after the game. 

    Student Transportation Waiver


    **Questions… please call 480-224-2411 or email Josephine Giordano giordano.maria@cusd80.com for questions about registering for tryouts.

    East Valley Conference website