• About Angie Gillette...

    Position: Project Lead the Way/Digital Media

    Room: B9

    Phone: 480-224-2439

    Email: Angie Gillette

     Angie Gillette

    Connect With Us

    Click here to connect with us on our school social media pages, Infinite Campus Portal (assignments and grades), by email, or by phone.


    Welcome to an exciting year of learning!

    My Education and Professional Background

    I received my BS degree in Education from Arizona State. I have a Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Texas Austin (hook 'em horns!)

    My Educational Philosophy

    I am excited to start my 21st year of teaching. I started teaching at Payne Jr. High in 2016. I taught 10 years in Kyrene and 7 years at Hope Christian Academy. Junior High is a great time for kids to experience a variety of disciplines through electives. You never know where they'll find their passion or where it might take them!

Last Modified on May 31, 2022