• Classroom Wish List


    I always get asked what kinds of supplies I need in my room. Here is a list of items I am always in need of:

    • 409 or Fantastic spray cleaner

    • Paper towels (the ones they provide don't clean my boards and tanks well)

    • Sponges

    • Mr. Clean magic erasers

    • Chlorox Wipes

    • Markers both thin and thick

    • Kleenex

    • Clear plastic 2 liter bottles with caps

    • Color Pencils

    • Glue Sticks

    • Food for animals

      • Aquatic turtle pellets

      • Mouse food and treats

      • Hampster food and treats

      • Betta pellets

    • Small rodent paper bedding

    • Swiffer cleaning supplies

    • Command strips

    • Gift cards to PetCo, PetSmart, Frys or Walmart

    Here is the link to my Amazon Wish List