About Pryor...
Position: Child Development & Fashion I II & III (10-12)
Room: F-401  Google Classroom
Phone: 480 224-3701
Email: Pryor

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Welcome to PHS Culinary I and Fashion I, II & III website. In culinary I,we will learn basics of safety, sanitation, methods and techniques of food preparation. In Fashion the course begins by introducing concepts such as elements and principals of design and include marketing and retail basics. Whether students are interested in make-up, fashion, interior design, hairstyling or starting their own business this course of study will offer them something.

My Education and Professional Background

I have been an educator for many years and still find it challenging and reWhen teaching there are two ways forward...sweat and attack the mountain or sit andwarding. That is what keeps me hooked on being a teacher. My B.S. degree from Ohio University is in Family and Consumer Science with a concentration in Interior Design. I am qualified and have taught early childhood, fashion and culinary.My Masters is in curriculum and instruction.

My Educational Philosophy

As the teacher/instructor I will facilitate your students learning. Through guidance, availability of resources, clear instruction an instructor can lead students to succeed.

 | Email Arline Pryor