- Perry High
- Overview
Welcome to Ms. Pino's Homepage
I cannot believe I begin my 41st year of teaching, but I still love my job and have a hard time imagining my life without my students. In my spare time, I enjoy golfing, playing tennis, shopping, reading, and hanging out with my dogs!

11th Advanced PlacementDual Enrollment LiaisonSchool Improvement CoordinatorNHS Advisor#480-224-2861pino.cynthia@cusd80.com________________________"The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.”
-William Arthur Ward
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited."
"Who dares to teach
must never cease to learn."
- John Cotton Dana
"Wherever you go,
go with all your heart."