• Welcome to Ms. Pino's Homepage
    As a child growing up in a military family, I spent the first twelve years of my life in foreign countries, predominately Germany and South America. Once my dad retired, our family settled down in Sierra Vista, Arizona, and I graduated from Buena High. I earned a BA and MEd from the University of Arizona. I began my teaching career in my hometown, then transferred to the Phoenix Valley. I taught in the Tempe Elementary District and the Tempe Union HS District (McClintock) before making the transition to the Chandler District. I was fortunate enough to be involved in the opening of the best school in the state...Perry High!

    I cannot believe I begin my 41st year of teaching, but I still love my job and have a hard time imagining my life without my students. In my spare time, I enjoy golfing, playing tennis, shopping, reading, and hanging out with my dogs!
    11th Advanced Placement
    Dual Enrollment Liaison
    School Improvement Coordinator
    NHS Advisor
     "The mediocre teacher tells.

    The good teacher explains.

    The superior teacher demonstrates.

    The great teacher inspires.”

    -William Arthur Ward

    "The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited."


    "Who dares to teach

    must never cease to learn."

    - John Cotton Dana

    "Wherever you go,

    go with all your heart."
