• Summer School Late Work Policy


    • There will be a 10% deduction from the grade earned each day that the assignment is late. 
    • Students may turn in late work up to five days after assignment was due. 
    • After five days, the assignment will stay a zero in the gradebook. 
    • Students can have no more than four zeroes in their class to be able to take the final exam. 
    • Students have until 1:00 PM the day before final exams start to submit assignments for credit.


    • Administration will email all students/parents at beginning of each session to inform them of the late policy. 
    • Teachers will include late work policy on their introduction pages, as well as on class emails at the beginning of each session.


    • After two days of student inactivity and failure to complete assignments, teachers will email student/parents to inform them of the grade ramifications and encourage the student to submit all assignments as quickly as possible. 
    • After the email communication and three days of inactivity, the teacher will make a phone call to student/parent to inform them of the grade ramifications and encourage the student to complete all assignments in a timely manner. 
    • After email/phone communication and four days of inactivity, teachers will communicate the situation to administration and administration will contact parent to inform parent of grade ramifications and/or likelihood of student success in the class.