• About Elizabeth Baum...

    Position: Teacher

    Team/Department: Mathematics; Physical Education

    Room: Chandler Online Academy

    Phone: (480) 788-5805

    Email: Elizabeth Baum

     Elizabeth Baum

    Connect With Us

    Click here to connect with us on our school social media pages, Infinite Campus Portal (assignments and grades), by email, or by phone.


    Welcome to Chandler Online Academy!

    Some things about Chandler Online Academy (COA) - I know your course may say P1 for period 1 or P6 for period 6, however, at COA we do NOT meet at a certain period. You have access to your course 24/7. That means that you will need to create a schedule where you set aside time to work in your course. When an assignment is due, for example let's say that an assignment is due 7/30, then you must submit that assignment by 11:59pm for it to be considered on time. Please note, I am available for support during the work week between the hours of 8am-4pm. So, if you work later and end up needing help, you would need to wait until the next day and now the assignment would be late. There is a late work policy, which is explained in the welcome folder of the course. The late work policy will be enforced. Therefore, I recommend that you work ahead of the due dates in case something comes up and you need extra time or need assistance. There are many ways a student can reach out for support; email, call, text, schedule an appointment on Google Meet, and/or join a live lab virtual tutoring session. Lastly at COA, the student will be responsible for posting their Attendance in Infinite Campus weekly by Sunday at 8pm for the previous week to be compliant.

    Parents/Guardians can track their child’s progress through their own Buzz observer account. Go to this website, https://cusd80guardians.agilixbuzz.com/. The username is the parent/guardian email address and if you do not know your password, then click on the three dots to the right and select forgot password and it will be emailed to you. When parents/guardians login, they can click on the Grades button (bar graph symbol) and view their child’s progress. If your email is not set up to the observer's account, then please contact the COA office to request access.

    My Education and Professional Background

    Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education - Mathematics, Arizona State University 2005.

    Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction, Northern Arizona University 2009.

    Certificate in Physical Education 2015.

    Since 2005, I have taught with CUSD at BHS, CHS, and COA.

    My Educational Philosophy

    I enjoy teaching math due to my passion for helping students understand important math concepts, which facilitate them to become strong problem solvers, and strengthen their reasoning and logic skills. I enjoy teaching PE due to my passion for helping students understand the importance of life-long health that has many benefits. This includes health, happiness, confidence, teamwork, sportsmanship, goal setting, and responsibility. All students can succeed.