Bookstore/Student Services
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- Casteel High
- Bookstore General Information
Welcome to the Colts Bookstore!
School Year Bookstore Hours M-F 7am-3:00pm (Closed 12:30-1:30pm Daily)
Please Email-Mrs. Goble with any questions
Bookstore Manager: Kristina Goble
Bookstore Assistant: Dana Steines
**Minimal- Hours Vary**

At the Colt Bookstore:
- Reprint Student I.D.'s ($5)
- Check out On-Level or AP Textbooks
- Pay fees- class, testing and extra-curricular fees- Fees may also be paid online through the parent portal
- Purchase replacement P.E. uniforms
- Parking Pass Information and Application - Go to Parking Tab
- Student Activity Card $50 (discounts on athletic events and some dances)-Can be purchased online through the parent portal
- Click link on the left side for Colt Gear Options
Payments Accepted:
- Cash
- Checks- made payable to Casteel High School (checks must contain student's I.D number and parent phone number)
- Debit or Credit Card (NO AMEX-NO APPLE PAY)
The Bookstore is located on campus. Parents-Please make your payments online through the parent portal or send payment with your student to campus.
Students may access the bookstore BEFORE school, during LUNCH, or AFTER school ONLY.