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- Casteel High

Bus transportation to and from Casteel to EVIT is provided for students in the 2.5-hour programs. Transportation is not provided for students in the 4-hour programs (Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, and 1 year Medical Assisting). Click here to view the EVIT Bus Schedule 2024-25
Please note: EVIT enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year opens November 1st, 2024.
EVIT applications are processed online. This online system means students and counselors will find out faster if an application has been accepted and approved for enrollment.
When applying online, the following required documents will need to be uploaded to complete the application process (if you need help gathering these documents please email Mrs. Davis at
• Discipline Record
• Current Unofficial Transcripts
• Proof of Immunizations*Parents and/or legal guardians of new students will need an active email account (that is checked regularly) to access and use the online registration system. This email account will be used for important communication updates from the East Valley Institute of Technology.
Click here to view a video that walks you through the registration process step by step.
To start the process, go to East Valley Institute of Technology
Click Enroll and follow the directions to create an account and apply.
What happens next?
Check for an email from EVIT’s Admissions Office
The EVIT Admissions Office will inform students via e-mail once the application has been approved; or if additional information is required to complete the application.
Students are welcome to contact the Admissions Office with questions or to schedule an appointment with an EVIT Counselor. Please call 480-461-4108 or email
Questions about specific EVIT programs?
EVIT Recruiter: Jennifer Young or Chastain Duarte 480-461-4029
General EVIT Information:
Casteel High School is proud to partner with EVIT to help students explore a wide variety of career and technical programs. While Casteel High School offers many career and technical classes, the programs at EVIT also allow students to gain professional certifications in many of those fields. With two campuses in the valley, our students can chose which location works best for their career and personal needs.
EVIT students attend courses at both Casteel High and the EVIT campus. Half of their day is spent on our campus completing core requirements. Students can then either drive themselves or take advantage of the CUSD provided transportation to the EVIT campus and back to Casteel. No matter which campus or program a student is interested in, Casteel counselors work with EVIT counselors to ensure graduation and EVIT program requirements are met.
Here are some common questions and answers:
When can my student start attending EVIT?
Since most EVIT programs are two year programs, most students start EVIT their Junior or Senior year. During registration for their junior year of high school, students will indicate they are interested in EVIT on their registration form.
How will my student get to EVIT?
Students may provide their own transportation to EVIT. CUSD provides transportation to and from Main and East EVIT. Parents must provide transportation home from Casteel High. The EVIT bus will arrive back to Casteel after regular school busses have left. Students must find their own transportation to Casteel if riding the bus to EVIT in the AM.
What is the cost to attend EVIT?
There is no cost to attend EVIT, however, some programs do have supply fees associated with them.
Can my student still play sports if they attend EVIT?
Most Casteel students who attend EVIT go to EVIT in the afternoon and return to campus after school is dismissed. Students who wish to participate in extra-curricular activities such as sports, band, or choir, should check with their instructor for after-hours commitments.
Will my student have to do any “extra” classes if they attend EVIT?
Since students are only on campus for 2-3 core classes (depending on their enrollment in the AM or PM EVIT program) students will need to look at alternate ways to obtain credits. Most students will enroll in Summer School or Chandler Online Academy for one or two core classes in order to meet Graduation requirements. Students are also placed in a special block English class due to the time that they need to leave campus. Your student’s counselor can assist them in singing up for these programs. Students typically earn 3 elective credits for their classes at EVIT.
PM EVIT is always preferred as it allows students to take the most number of in person courses at Casteel.
When will my student eat lunch?
PM EVIT students will attend first lunch and will not be allowed off campus until after first lunch is over.
What programs does EVIT offer?
EVIT offers over 40 programs to high school students. Some of the most popular are: Aviation, Cosmetology, Fire Science, and Veterinary Assistant. For a complete list visit:
What are the requirements to attend EVIT?
Students must be on track for Graduation. Most EVIT programs require a 2.5 GPA. Students will be evaluated for admission to EVIT based on GPA, attendance, and discipline records.
Does EVIT meet during school breaks?
EVIT classes DO MEET over our intersession. Students are required to attend EVIT during intersession. Transportation is still provided from the high school and back to the high school. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and back home from Casteel.
If your student is interested in attending EVIT please have them contact their school counselor.