- Casteel High
- Overview

Maker Club
What is a Maker? Maker is a mindset. Whether you’ll like coding, weaving, origami, or 3D modeling and printing, you are a Maker. Maker Club is special because it brings together interesting projects and smart, creative people. Makers are fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. What makes a Maker?
● Makers believe that if you can imagine it, you can make it. We are productive; we are creative. Everyone is a Maker, and our world is what we make it.
● Makers seek out opportunities to learn to do new things, especially through hands-on, DIY (do-it-yourself) interactions.
● Makers surprise and delight those who see their projects, even though the projects can be a bit rough-edged, messy and, at times, over-stimulating.
● Makers are a community of creative and technical people that help one another do better. They are open, inclusive, encouraging and generous in spirit.
● Makers celebrate other Makers — what they make, how they make it and the enthusiasm and passion that drives them.
(Taken from the MakerEd website)
Next Meeting: TBD Media Center
Club Sponsor: Mrs. Diaz - diaz.christinew@cusd80.com
President: Connor S.
Vice-President: Raychon C.
Secretary: Alejandra H.
Treasurer: Joshua M.